When and How to Choose a Major

Written by: Oak Hills Christian College

Thursday, November 17, 2016

A major is a specific subject area that students specialize in. Typically, between 25% to 50% of the courses you’ll take in Oak Hills will be in your major or related to it. But how soon do you have to choose the major? Will it determine the rest of your life? We're here to provide more information and ease your mind.

When to Choose a Major

If you’re not sure about your college major while you’re in high school, don’t worry. Your major is not set in stone, and most students switch their major during college. Even students who think they are sure about what they want to major in often change their mind. 

At Oak Hills, you won’t have to pick a major right away.  In fact, our curriculum incorporates many biblical studies courses and electives, which gives you bountiful time to check out various subjects that may interest you. While declaring a major early has its benefits, such as early graduation or time for industry experience, it's nothing to fret. If you'd like to know which Oak Hills major suits your personality, take our quiz!

How to Choose a Major

First off, discuss your passion and talents with people that care about you, such as your parents, friends, and high school counselor. Search for various majors that colleges offer, and seek for alumni success stories. Consult college admission counselors and program directors.  If you'd like to know which Oak Hills majors suit your personality, take our quiz!

If you're undecided during course registration, simply take courses in general education and electives that appeal to you, and then think about which subject truly motivates you. Explore and attend one of our many electives; a class you never planned to take could end up helping you choose your major!

How Major Impacts Professions

If you major in something like addictions counseling or camp ministry, you're learning a specific trade. Many majors, however, prepare you to enter a range of careers once you graduate. For many students, picking a college major is not the same as choosing a job. It will be up to you to pick a career path you like. For example, a degree in Business might lead you to a job in advertising, marketing, accounting, human resources, or whatever God may have planned for you. Oak Hills Career Center will help you along the way to prepare you for your dream job.

Remember, you're not alone when choosing a major. Ask our admissions counselors and program advisors for help.

What Should You Major In?

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