Oak Hills: personal on purpose. While the popular page Humans of New York and a plethora of others are posting pictures and comments from strangers, our little community contains people who are strangers only to the rest of the world. Using #humansofoakhills we are hoping to open our campus up to the rest of the world through these subtle, insightful snapshots.
Our prompting questions are generally made up on the spot, though sometimes there are general topics, such as the posts made on Veterans’ Day and the one created after one of our Cross Country runners took 1st in the NCCAA DII race. Unlike many larger colleges, the people you will meet through #humansofoakhills will cease to be strangers at all, should you choose to make Oak Hills a major part of your life. They’re a part of the close-knit community that makes Oak Hills unique here in Northern Minnesota. And getting to know one another is an unavoidable aspect of this campus.
So if you are curious about Oak Hills, its culture, and the people who make up this friendly little community, put your cursor in the Facebook search bar and type #humansofoakhills. It’s a treasure chest full of little gems waiting to be discovered.