One of the things that Oak Hills is known for is the tightly-knit community we foster not only among the students but also with the faculty and staff.
One of the most popular events within the school are the Hostetter Cookie Nights, when the entire staff, faculty, and student body are invited to come to a fellowship at President Steven Hostetter’s house. There's nothing like a homemade cookie to make you feel like you belong.

Every fall and spring we celebrate cookie night.
Brenda Hostetter, the President’s wife, bakes batch after batch of chocolate chip cookies from a secret recipe. The smell of fresh cookies coming out of the oven constantly makes the house smell wonderful, providing warmth both physical and spiritual on a chilly MInnesota night. There are also other snacks as well, but the cookies are always the most popular.
Everyone who attends enjoys conversations and board games in the living room, while a lively ping pong competition runs in the basement. When the weather is good, everyone goes outside to play Frisbee or football on the lawn. Often a campfire is lit as the sun is setting, and we all gather around.
These nights are special to Oak Hills students, both new and returning, because of the memories and connections that are made. Relationships are strengthened when the entire student body spends this informal time together, getting to know each other and their professors and school staff better.
When students leave their families in order to come away to college, the excitement of getting out is often accompanied by feelings of disconnection and anxiety. At Oak Hills Christian College we make sure the campus is safe and wholesome, and we also make sure it is inviting, comforting, and familiar. We believe that makes the Oak Hill experience unique. Think about it. How often does a college freshman get to challenge the president to a Ping-Pong match or play checkers with his wife?
We'd like to welcome you to visit us soon, maybe on a Cookie Night, and show you what it's like to come home to your college. One way to sweeten the deal is by encouraging you to spread the love, and the cookies. So we are offering you the secret to happiness away from home, Brenda Hostetter's Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe, absolutely free.
Want to find out more about what makes OHCC special? Take a moment, drop us a line, then go bake some cookies for someone you love today!
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